
Digital Rights are Human Rights

The assertion that "digital rights are human rights" underscores the fundamental importance of preserving and protecting individual liberties in the digital age. Human rights are inalienable and universal, applying to all individuals regardless of their online or offline activities. In an increasingly interconnected world, the right to privacy, freedom of expression, and access to information must extend to the digital realm. Digital rights include safeguarding personal data from unwarranted surveillance, ensuring freedom of speech and online expression, and providing equitable internet access for all. These rights are essential for maintaining human dignity, autonomy, and the principles of democracy in a digital society. Radio Vishwas, the exclusive community radio station from Maharashtra, has been chosen to lead this initiative and raise awareness about digital safety. We collaborated with individuals ranging from 15 to 55 years of age, educating them about the importance of online safety through specially crafted episodes aired on the radio. a school that caters to students from disadvantaged economic backgrounds, who actively participated in the program.

Moreover, digital rights play a critical role in social justice and equity. Access to digital resources and opportunities is vital for education, employment, civic engagement, and social inclusion. Ensuring that marginalized communities, including those with limited internet access or digital literacy, can fully participate in the digital world is essential to bridge socio-economic gaps. Ultimately, recognizing digital rights as an integral part of human rights reaffirms the commitment to equality, justice, and individual freedoms in the digital age, promoting a more inclusive and democratic society for all.